One of the highlights of my day is the daily phone call from my daughter. Sometimes we talk—her mostly—for nearly an hour. Her life is much more active than mine, given all she has on her plate: her business, teaching an online class at a nearby community college, being a graduate student herself, and single-parenting two teenagers, both of whom are in sports, and one of whom recently got his drivers license. My hat’s off to her. I cannot even imagine what it’s like to parent these days, what with cell phones, social media, peer pressure, and outlandish notions that somehow becomes imbedded in every fabric of society.
Recently she told me of a recent conversation she’d had with my 14-year-old granddaughter about her ex-, who’s chosen to not see the kids for nearly four years. I’m so grateful for their open lines of communication.🙏🏽 They’re helping each other navigate a shitty situation.
I’m grateful that my granddaughter has already learned the value and power of affirmations. When she discovered a list of 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Narcissistic Abuse Survivors, she copied each one on a Post-It and added them to others she had around her room. Then, she made another set for her mom and stuck them all around her bathroom mirror. I’m amazed at my granddaughter’s maturity. She gives me hope in and for future generations. For that, I’m truly grateful.🙏🏽
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. ~1 Timothy 4:12