Vowing to write every day (most days?) about gratitude is one of my better choices, and it’s become a part of my daily morning ritual, along with reading Scripture and various uplifting spiritual devotions. Coffee and my ritual are the cornerstone of my day. Still, my routine does not keep me from being a jerk sometimes, as evidenced earlier today. I barked at my husband first thing this morning over something inconsequential.
I’m grateful I recognized my hypocrisy immediately.🙏🏽 My actions were completely contrary to everything I’d read only 30 minutes before—the Beatitudes. I felt rather ashamed of myself. I’m grateful I didn’t feel justified in what I’d barked, although I easily could have. Old behavior.🙏🏽
I’m grateful I knew an apology was in order even though I could feel my pride and ego wince at the thought.🙏🏽 New behavior! Still, I felt compelled to do it because it was the right thing to do. So, I did. Right-thinking is prevailing these days.🙏🏽 Thank God.
Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up. ~James 4:10