One of the best outcomes from participation in any worthwhile effort, I think, is when it leads to a lifelong habit, whether it be to benefit one physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Practicing daily gratitude has enhanced all of these for me. I just wish I’d picked up the habit sooner. As it is, I started doing it by way of another avenue.
Gratitude was not a subject I was very familiar with before I quit drinking alcohol in October 2011. But it was often discussed in the AA meetings I attended. With time, and sobriety, I began to think more clearly, and realized I had a lot to be grateful for. Like, my very life! I also realized the gratitude I had I for the things didn’t happen because of my disease—my husband didn’t divorce me, for example. Over time, it occurred to me that gratitude awareness didn’t have to be just a November-thing. It could be every day. It was a choice, and a heck of a game changer.
Gratitude has enriched my life exponentially. Like my daily routine of prayer and Bible reading, I wouldn’t dream of taking the practice of gratitude out of the mix. It’s my choice. All three are very important to me, and the routine ensures that I stay focused on what’s truly important. In today’s completely messed up world, it’s more important than ever to keep my eyes on Jesus.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~Romans 12:2