The past couple of days have been unusually active, to include packing up, leaving South Padre Island, and driving to our winter home a couple hundred miles north in Rockport, Texas. I was grateful for an uneventful trip 🙏🏽, especially since I was beginning to not feel well. Then I was glad for the Mucinex that I picked up in Mexico a couple of weeks ag0.🙏🏽 I was also grateful my husband drove the entire way, not just because I wasn’t feeling well, but because a lengthy causeway over a large body of water was involved at both beginning and end of the trip.🙏🏽 And not only that, fog and wind also contributed to ratchet up the pucker factor. I was grateful where we finally pulled into the driveway here, unhooked the car, and parked Felix.🙏🏽
The sole reason we’re at this particular RV park is because some friends from Minnesota had made reservations to winter here, and we trusted their judgment. We didn’t even bother looking elsewhere. We supposed that whatever they chose would be fine with us.
Just as we suspected, our friends chose a great park. Nice and clean, concrete slabs, lots of trees and grass, nice and quiet. Sight unseen, I knew we’d like it, too. Having faith in our friends’ judgement saved us tons of time doing research and making phone calls.🙏🏽 And the fact that we’re next door neighbors was an unexpected surprise; that was the park’s doing.🙏🏽
My trust in a lot of things—the government, the pharmaceutical industry, medicine, entertainment, sports, the news media—has waned over the past few years to the point of complete distrust. In a very unbelievable and uncertain world which seems to get more and more confusing and absurd by the day, I became introverted. It wasn’t ‘me,’ but it was safe.
My distrust of the above has led to an interesting development—it ignited a real desire to have a relationship with God, something I neither had nor understood. I’ve started reading the Bible intentionally, and am quite surprised at how interesting it actually is! It’s given me the peaceful reassurance that everything is going to be okay. I need to ignore all the distractions that get thrown our way and stay focused on God. God is reliable. God is God. 🙏🏽
Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands. ~Deuteronomy 7:9