Yesterday I was reminded of how very, very fortunate I am. Our friends took us to Mexico by way of the U.S. border crossing at Progresso, less than 10 miles from where we’re staying. We’re that far south.
We parked, walked across the international border, and each paid $1 to immediately face a barrage of vendors peddling everything from dental services, pharmacias and chiropractic care to shoes, leather goods, jewelry and lots more. It was overwhelming to say the least.
Shopping at the pharmacia was a pleasant experience, and I was able to pick up some over the counter items that I’ve heard are in short supplies in some places.🙏🏽 My husband thought he might be able to pick up a bottled or two of his favorite liquor at a good price, so we went hunting for that, but apparently tequila is the only thing there that’s really a bargain. Still, the experience was fun! Actually, we were left alone while we shopped inside the stores;🙏🏽 it was outside that we were hawked by both vendors and young children peddling trinkets and Chicklets.
Outside, stalls were lined up one after another, every vendor vying for attention. I really didn’t need a thing, which was good because I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed being pressured to buy, and I can’t haggle. It’s nice to be in a place in life where I’m satisfied with what I have. I have enough.🙏🏽 Actually, after seeing what I saw today, I’m convinced I have more than enough, and for that I am truly grateful.🙏🏽
We ate lunch and continued perusing a little while longer before heading back across the walkway to the blessed United States of America.🙏🏽🇺🇸🙏🏽 I was so grateful that our friends escorted us over—they’d been over several times and knew the drill—and for the experience itself. After inserting 30 cents into the turnstile and showing my drivers license to the stoic border patrol agent, I was granted access across the bridge. It was the first time I used it in lieu of a passport, and it worked, so I was grateful.🙏🏽
What a day God had planned for me yesterday! I can’t wait to see what He might have in Mind today. The wind from the winter storm threatens to be an issue, but we only have to travel 60 miles, so that’s a blessing. We’ll get to where we’re going soon enough.
You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. ~Psalm 4:7-8