My husband absolutely made my day yesterday when he commented on how nice our bedroom looked, and thanked me for making it look that way. To be honest, I was surprised; surprised he said what he said and even more surprised that he even noticed. What is our bedroom in the RV is small and I usually keep it tidy anyway, mostly for my own sanity.
I was genuinely touched by his appreciation and was sure to tell him I was grateful for his comment. We’ve been married for so long, we have come to expect certain things to be a certain way, not giving much thought to the effort it takes to get that way. This was a reminder for me to be aware of all the things my husband does to keep the motorhome running and in shape, and to put my appreciation into words.
A little appreciation goes a long way.
Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise. ~Psalm 51:15