Something uncomfortable has come up in my world that’s turned my morning ritual on its ear. One of the books of devotions that’s been a staple of mine for several years has been “Jesus Calling,” by Sarah Young; indeed, it was pivotal in my recovery from alcohol addition and eventual return back to God. The daily readings referenced Scripture, which ultimately pointed me to reading the Bible. My morning routine has included that book for at least five years now. This has been my habit and I (usually) don’t mind waking up before the crack of dawn just so that I can begin. My morning time with God sometimes lasts for an hour or two since there is a certain progression of books involved.
I recently learned of the controversy surrounding this book and all of Young’s knock-offs that followed, and it’s given me a lot to think about. It all boils down to whether or not to trust another’s interpretation of Scripture, or to read it myself, use discernment and draw my own conclusions. As I go further and further down the rabbit hole and learn more about the issue, I can’t help but admonish myself for spending so much time and money on other devotional and books…religiously following certain individuals blindly…instead of solely reading the Word of God for myself. Certainly their words must have tickled my ears. Just because every once in a while a Biblical passage was referenced, I assumed ALL the words were true. I violated the rule I advised my daughter only yesterday: Never assume anything.
Admittedly, I am a newbie at reading the Bible. It was not a part of my growing up even though I was ‘raised in the church.’ I would refer to it as I read other devotionals, as though it was secondary. I now see that I had the cart before the horse.
I’m grateful that I now see I had it all backwards.ππ½ This morning, for the first time, I read the Bible exclusively, and still somehow spent a couple of hours doing so. My interpretation my not be as polished or even the same as the authors I’ve been reading, but I will get better with practice. I trust God will show me the right way.
I’m also grateful that this experience has taught me to do my own research on other issues, rather than rely on the opinions and words of others.ππ½ For far too long I have just accepted everything that was fed to me by the news media, but it’s becoming all too clear that We the People have been lied to about a lot of things. So I’m learning to connect the dots and draw my own conclusions independently.ππ½
Finally, I’m grateful that even at my age (68), I am teachable and willing to learn.ππ½ Discernment doesn’t come easy, but when it finally does, it rocks your world!
…as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby. ~1 Peter 2:2