I listened to President Trump’s announcement regarding the right of free speech and what he will do within hours of his inauguration with rapt attention yesterday. The collusion of various entities with the intent to suppress vital information to the American people has become so evident that it’s hard not to see the writing on the wall. Admittedly, I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I have a ton of common sense. I remember all too well the campaign for the presidential election of 2016 and the over-the-top hatred of Donald Trump. Previously, he was an icon of a public figure, and all of a sudden, out came one news report after another about something he was alledged to have done. It was obvious that the media leaned towards the other candidate, and I wondered, “Why?” Those like me who supported Trump were deemed to be “deplorable.” That was a harsh condemnation, and I wondered, “Why?” There had to be a reason WHY so many factions were trying their hardest to derail the Trump’s campaign, and eventual election to presidency. The over-the-top, dramatic display of grief that those who supported the losing candidate made me cringe. I’m 68 years old, and I’ve never witnessed a more public outcry against one man. There had to be a reason.
What he said yesterday about the press and media suppressing information about the 2020 election and the covid vaccine made me wonder about the reality in which we’re living. I’m questioning everything and everyone these days. I am suspicious of all the people who came out of nowhere as a result of the 2020 presidential selection and have been elevated (by the media) to positions of authority. And I will never in a million years accept that a man who never came out of his basement during the presidential campaign won, supposedly with the most votes EVER received by a candiate. Please. I’m not stupid. But I think many people have been stupified by the media, the news, and their addiction to their phone and video games.
Wake up. The freedoms we know as Americans are on the brink of extinction. Pray ceasingly, because Satan is preying ceasingly.
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short. ~Revelation 12:12