It might be because of my age, or that the end of yet another year is approaching, but I’ve been in kind of a funk lately—and it’s all because I’ve been focused on the glass being half empty instead of being half full. I’ve been reminiscing… And I’ll be truthful: There are things in my life that I’m not proud of and wish I could re-do.
While it’s an uncomfortable feeling that I don’t like, I’ve been sitting with it a while🙏🏽—hence, sporadic writing as of late. Even with more than 11 years of recovery from alcohol addiction, I found I could still hold a pity-party-for-1 at a moment’s notice. There was a time when I would do anything to escape from or numb the discomfort—and, honestly, the thought that a drink would make it better did flash through my mind a couple of days ago. Thank God the voice of reason squelched that thought immediately!🙏🏽 One drink and I become insane.
This morning I awoke with a new attitude, perhaps the realization that my own mental flogging would continue until my morale improved.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for a brand new, 24-hour segment of “As the World Turns in My Life, Such As It Is.”🙏🏽 After all, my Creator designed every minute of it!🙏🏽 Every morning my daughter calls me🙏🏽 and asks what I’m going to do that day. Chances are, I have no clue, which is a blessing of retirement, perhaps—everything’s a surprise. Today’s the start of something new (even though I may not know that it might be): It’s The Present.🙏🏽
But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. ~Galatians 6:4