Travel delights me, especially when it takes me somewhere I’ve never been to before. I love exploring new places, but I don’t have to go far to appreciate the wonders of what’s right in front of me. I just have to pay attention.
After three days of travel, it was a blessing to be able to just stay right here and chill yesterday.🙏🏽 The lawn chairs were set up in the shade of the pin oak tree alongside the RV, and it was so pleasant to simply ‘be.’🙏🏽 After lunch my husband and I went for a long bike ride and explored the campground and what used to be the Brackenridge family’s plantation. I am so, so grateful for our e-bikes that enable us to go further and longer than we could otherwise.🙏🏽 Most of the day was spent outdoors, and I loved it.
Pelicans, egrets and heron abound here. Seeing them reminded me of just how long it’s been since I’ve been to the coast, and it made me that much more thankful for being here now.🙏🏽 Being somewhere warm in the winter is a blessing I’m more and more grateful for the older I get.🙏🏽
Just how much more wonderful is heaven than all the beauty and wonders right here on earth? It’s hard to fathom, but I hope to be blessed to be there someday. Until then, I’m grateful for heaven right here on earth. It’s everywhere, if I only take the time to look.
Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. ~Psalm 124:8