The sign for Brackenridge Recreation Complex was a welcome sight after three days of travel, 725 miles, and … Houston.🙏🏽 Ugh! I am SO grateful that city is in the rearview mirror. I’m grateful that diesel is a lot cheaper in Texas: $3.99/gallon and that we switched from having the heat on to having A/C.🙏🏽 I’m grateful that we’re “someplace” for a while and that it’s some place new, because exploring new places thrills me.🙏🏽
Our campsite here just may be the best campsite we have EVER had.🙏🏽 Large patches of thick, green grass are along both sides of the RV, and the pets LOVE it. At their stage of life, seeing sparks of interest on their part makes me happy, especially with Victor’s doggie dementia getting worse by the day. Biscuit delighted in laying in it and just chilling, while Victor paced as usual, but with more interest it seemed. There even seemed to be a spring in his step, something we haven’t seen in a long time.🙏🏽
This park is a wildlife preserve, and deer are everywhere.🙏🏽 Safety is paramount, as evidenced by the coded, metal gates guarding the campground, as well as the magnet given along with other park information, bearing the 24/7 phone number of Security.🙏🏽 Behind our site is Lake Texana, as is one of several bike paths here.🙏🏽 It’s extremely dark at night, so the night sky is prominent.🙏🏽 I am going to love being here.
All the kudos go to God for guiding us to this place.🙏🏽 When searching for somewhere to be for a while on the way south, this place caught my attention because of all the bike paths. Bike riding is a new activity my husband and I do together, and it’s done some wonderous things for our relationship, not to mention our physical health.🙏🏽 Being near a lake was nice, but I never dreamed we’d get a site right ON it, especially considering I’d only made reservations last week because our departure date kept getting delayed for one reason for another.🙏🏽 Yes, God gets the all the glory!
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! ~Philippians 4:4