I’m grateful to be blessed with another morning.🙏🏽 It’s Day 2 of our journey south, and I’m grateful this RV park turned out to be a safe place to overnight🙏🏽—albeit it being very close to the interstate and a bit ‘rough,’ in terms of aesthetics. All gravel everything (roads, RV sites), no picnic tables, no grass, for that matter. The pups look forlorn when I take them outside. The important thing is that it was a safe place.🙏🏽 I slept well and am set for another day on the road.
Feeling safe and secure means a lot more to me now than it ever used to. Maybe that’s a sign of the times. Or maybe my age. Either way, it’s a different world, and a scary one at that. I’m grateful we live on the edge of civilization most of the year, and in a small town when we go south for the winter.🙏🏽 It’s such a different world than the one I grew up in.
That’s why continual gratitude so important to me. It spotlights what’s truly meaningful.🙏🏽 What really matters. 🙏🏽What lasts.🙏🏽
In gratitude, my focus is on God since He is the Maker of all the things I express gratitude for. A few months ago, I began reading the Bible in earnest from the beginning for the very first time. I read a little bit each day, and am grateful I added it to my morning ritual. 🙏🏽 Then I saw something go by on my Telegram feed the other day, suggesting that by reading one chapter of the Gospel according to Luke each day in December, one would know precisely who Jesus was by Christmas Day (since there are 24 chapters.) What a great idea🙏🏽 and easily do-able, so I’ve added that.🙏🏽
I’ve noticed that the more I practice gratitude, the more I have to be grateful for. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!🙏🏽
Today I drove the motorhome from Arkadelphia, Arkansas to Nacodoches, Texas.🙏🏽Diesel prices have decreased by at least $1 once we got off the interstate.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for another uneventful travel day.🙏🏽 I’m grateful it’s warm enough for shorts!🙏🏽 This is why we go south for the winter.☺️
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. ~Jeremiah 29:13