After sitting in one place for the past seven months, Iβm grateful to be finally starting our annual trip south tomorrowππ½, and I am trying to psyche myself up for the trip from here at the resort to Highway 65, which will take us towards Little Rock. Itβs less than five miles as the crow flies. But for us mere humans, itβs 22 miles of windy and hilly 2-lane, shoulder-less country highways with changing speed limits and steep inclines to navigate, as well as a 2-lane truss bridge that traverses Table Rock Lake.
The current bridge is in the process of being replaced–an endeavor which is projected to take three years and be completed by Summer 2025. Until then, what used to be a smooth straightaway leading from road-to-bridge is now somewhat of a jag. I try to envision driving our motorhome-and-tow, negotiating the curve; thank goodness the speed limit there slows to 30 mph and sometimes even comes to a halt when traffic across the bridge goes from 2-lane to one.ππ½
I’m playing out the scenario in my head, just in case I’m behind the wheel tomorrow. I’ve driven this same route once before, prior to the bridge work, so I know I can do it.ππ½ It’s just that it’s 22 miles of 2-lane highway with very few places to safely pass and no turnouts to allow others to pass. It could be very nerve wracking, and I really, really don’t like having an impatient driver behind me when I’m driving the rig. Especially on a road like that!
Even though there is at least a 50/50 chance my husband will be driving, my anxiety level will not be assuaged in the least. As a matter of fact, most of the time, I prefer to drive. I like knowing that I would be (cap)able to get us from Point A to Point B if the situation warranted.ππ½ Now that I think about it, that was one of the driving forces (no pun intended) that convinced us to trade in our 5th wheel for a motorhome three years ago.
In any event, the plan is to start heading south tomorrow, December 5th. This is the longest we’ve lingered north since we started full-time RVing in 2017, and even though there were a few very frigid nights, we are grateful we stayed. We experienced a bit of an Ozark Christmas which was fantastic, ensured that the furnace and all the others systems in the RV were in good working order, and enjoyed the tranquility of the off-season here at the lake.ππ½ I couldn’t have predicted we’d be in one spot so long, but it was time well spent. Once again, a timely reminder that life is what we make it.ππ½
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation! ~Psalm 68:19