It’s a clear, cold morning in the Ozarks and I’m relishing the day it’s already been, and it’s just now 7 a.m.🙏🏽 I love getting up while it’s still dark, and spending all the time I want connecting with God, watching night transition into day, and seeing the sun rise.🙏🏽 It’s been my habit for several years now to spend the first hour or two of the day with Him, and the rest of the day falls into place naturally. 🙏🏽
I’ve always loved to write, and these gratitude pages help keep my mindset positive which is always helpful but especially much more these days.🙏🏽 Lately, and for so many reasons, I’ve been feeling very grateful to be the age I am. 68. I was reluctant to use the word ‘aging’ as a topic, but its definition is spot on:
Noun | 1. | aging – acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some timeageing, ripening mellowing the process of becoming mellow |
I love that first part, acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time. Being very much a people-person, I became concerned when I began noticing a few years ago that I preferred my own company over the company of others and began isolating, for my own mental health, more than anything else. Almost three years ago, I quit facebook and stopped watching tv totally. 🙏🏽 I’ve missed neither.
Everything that’s happen since early 2020 until now—covid, the hysteria and fear generated by the media, the rigged elections, the cancel culture, etc—is validation that that was a wise choice.🙏🏽 The cesspool of what’s contrived to be the news and worse yet, entertainment, is abominable. Social media is a treasure trove of personal information, great for gleaning artificial intelligence and readily available to God knows who for a price. Not a pleasant thought.
One of the things that’s happened as a result is that I’ve come to value my time and the gift that it truly is.🙏🏽 I don’t want to waste a minute of it, probably because more people I know are passing away. Gratitude makes me more cognizant of the ‘next right thing,’ and that always leads to good. Alone, I experience🙏🏽—whether it’s reading the Bible, writing what I’m grateful for, photographing a sunrise, putting together a quiche or knitting.
Feeding my aging soul with positive things enables me to better deal with my husband and my pups, all of whom are aging, too.🙏🏽 Aging is teaching me patience, tolerance, compassion, empathy and so much more.🙏🏽 I’m grateful to be the age I am.🙏🏽
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. ~Isaiah 32:18