Over time, I’ve noticed that the more I practice gratitude, the easier it is to have patience and acceptance, especially when things don’t go as planned. This has been the case this week as we await test results that will determine whether we head south or stay put. Naturally, I have my druthers, but either way could possibly be an adventure, depending upon one’s perspective.🙏🏽
My premier winter ‘must have’ is warmth, and the RV’s furnace has already proven it’s working well.🙏🏽 If we had to spend the winter here, propane is practically ‘on demand’ with a quick email to the propane company that’s literally just down the road.🙏🏽 And—because there’s already been several nights of below freezing temps—we now have a heated hose that can stay connected to city water (as opposed to operating off of the water tank.)🙏🏽 I love the simple things of life.🙏🏽
Meanwhile, each day unfolds just as it was designed, never lacking for plenty of next-right-things to do to help pass the time.🙏🏽 Chores, of course, but also fun things like cooking (and eating comfort food), reading (currently, the fourth of five novels in the ‘Methodical’ series by Rebekah Roth), and knitting. The weather’s been lovely, so we’ve taken advantage of that, too, taking walks and going bike riding when possible.🙏🏽 I’ve been reminded what a rush ‘spontaneity’ can be, and I like it!🙏🏽 I’m learning to savor the moment.🙏🏽
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. ~Isaiah 26:3