Gratitude for Receiving

Just the other day I realized that I have a very hard time receiving unexpected gifts. Someone I’ve only recently come to know dropped off a bag of goodies for me and even though I said “Thank you” and meant it sincerely, I just didn’t feel right accepting it. I felt unworthy.

Where negative thoughts like that come from, I don’t know. What I do know is that when ideas like that pop up, they have to be smashed. Even though it was an uncomfortable feeling, I was grateful that I could actually name the feeling🙏🏽—that’s a huge improvement—but that I could do something about it.🙏🏽

What I did was put myself in my friend’s shoes and realized that giving me this gift made her feel good, and that alone turned my thinking around.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for this lesson. I learned that gratitude really is a like a 2-way street, where both giver and receiver are blessed.🙏🏽 And in doing so, I also learned that I was worthy. Absolutely.🙏🏽

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. ~Psalm 9:1

About Maria

Hi there! Thanks for checking out Gratitude365, a project which I'm extremely passionate about. My life as as a full-time RVer, along with my husband Dave and two pups, Victor and Biscuit, is a dream come true. I'm very blessed to be able to travel the United States and meet people from all all walks of life. There's always something to be grateful about!
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