Continual right-sizing—as compared to downsizing—is a way of life for those of us who live in RVs or tight quarters of any kind, I imagine. There is a very limited amount of storage space, after all. When I had packed yet another bag to be donated to a local thrift shop, my husband lamented, “What are you getting rid of now?” I had to explain to him that this–occasionally collecting items that are still usable but no longer worn/used/needed/etc. and donating them–is a generous gesture, and that’s a good thing. 🙏🏽 Besides, it justifies shopping, but that’s beside the point.
Since there’s only so much room in the motorhome, we have only what we need in terms of clothing and household basics (such as bedding, cookware, paper products) and not much in terms of home decor or collections of any sort (jewelry, DVDs, books, antiques, etc.) and that’s okay. I’m grateful. This is extreme streamlined living and personally, I love it. I have everything I need, and I’m happy with everything I have. 🙏🏽
Generosity gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Especially these days when things appear bleak. Whether it’s donating usable clothing to a thrift store🙏🏽, buying canned goods for a local food bank🙏🏽, or leaving an extra-good tip for services rendered🙏🏽, it’s a Win/Win for all concerned. The whole world benefits from generous spirits!🙏🏽
The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself. ~Proverbs 11:25