One of the blessings of this mobile lifestyle is the continual flow of others with whom we have something in common, in this case, RVing and travel. 🙏🏽 Life is never boring.🙏🏽 The resort community here consists of owners, renters, workers, and workampers from all walks of life, and they come from all over the United States and Canada. Quite a variety! Having once been one myself, I like to make the acquaintance of workampers when they first arrive and make them feel welcome, a part of. Workampers earn their keep, and I’m appreciative of what they do here. I know I don’t know what ALL their duties are, but I know enough to know that they do a LOT.
Two of the workampers who’ve been here since Memorial Day are leaving today and, while I’ll miss seeing them, I’m happy they’re moving on to the next phase of their adventure. That’s the bittersweet part of our lifestyle…moving on and saying good-bye. Else why live in a home on wheels? Those of us who live this way know farewells are inevitable.
I’m grateful for having made the acquaintance of these wonderful people, and especially for the friendship that’s developed since then.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for the hope of seeing them again, since that’s always a real possibility in the world of RVing.🙏🏽 I’m happy that they are moving on. 🙏🏽 In our lifestyle, you’ve got to do it while you can, because there is a certain amount of physical strength and mental wherewithal that’s necessary, and when it’s gone, a big change is probably right around the corner. Another bittersweet reality.
Variety in the people that happen our way and in the places our lifestyle takes us are unique blessings I am grateful for.🙏🏽 Indeed, variety is the spice of life. 🙏🏽 I’m happy my friends are off on another adventure and wish them a fun and uneventful one. Godspeed!🙏🏽
You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; in Your right hand are eternal pleasures. ~Psalm 16:11