Today is a special day for my husband and me; it’s our 44th wedding anniversary! That’s a long time, especially given that I’d only known him a month when he proposed. But we were young and in love. Or lust. Either way, we’ve built a good life together, one unlike I ever imagined growing up.
Although I don’t articulate it, I thank God every day for the person I’m walking through life with. I have been blessed with a life partner who’s totally unlike me, and yet complements me in every way. We are like two odd-shaped puzzle pieces that somehow fit together perfectly. We’ve always made a good team.
Now we’re much, much older. I’m astonished at how quickly the past four decades have passed. That puts our remaining time together in perspective, and it also makes me realize the value of each day. That each one is another opportunity to be kind, and tolerant, and gracious to one another. Am I, 100% of the time? No, but I’m working on it. I notice he is, too.
And so, “Thank you” is often said during the course of our days together. I like the sound of it. Gratitude is the smile of love.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. ~Colossians 3:15