I consider myself a safe driver, but the other day I got entangled in a unique situation. One that I was SO GRATEFUL to escape unscathed. Somehow I’d ended up in a fast food drive-thru lane without having had ordered anything. I could not back up or turn around. I wasn’t in line; I was alongside the line. As in, mere inches separating me from the others whom I’m sure thought I was either high or just an idiot.
I crept ever so slowly past the cars waiting in line, my car’s tires miraculously clearing the concrete curb. The last vehicle I passed was a county emergency vehicle; I was so grateful it wasn’t the police or highway patrol. Once I’d gotten past the line and out of the parking lot, I offered up heartfelt thanks. The entire experience probably lasted less than a couple of minutes, but the embarrassment and fear remained much longer. I admonished myself for doing something so stupid, and prayed I’d never do that again.
I’ve learned many lessons the hard way; those are the ones that stick. This is one of them, I hope. I’m grateful for mercies, especially when I do dumb things.
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Psalm 105:4