Have you ever had the notion to do something you had not planned on doing, and then whatever that thing was not only fell into place nicely, but yielded an unexpected blessing? That happened to me just this past weekend.
Like many RVers, we head south when it gets cold. The state of Texas warmly welcomes us snowbirds—so much so that we’re called ’winter Texans’—so that’s been our destination for the past five years. This year we’ll winter in Rockport, beginning January 1st.
Despite knowing they’re subject to change, I still like to make plans. A couple of days ago, it occurred to me that we’ll be traveling over the Christmas holiday, and that I’d better get reservations somewhere, just to be safe. While I do not mind overnighting in truck stops from time to time, I don’t wish to do it over the holidays, although I’m sure a good number of stories would be written as a result if I were ever to do so.
We’ve never been to South Padre Island, so I did a little investigating (little being the operative word) and ended up making reservations for the last ten nights of 2022 at Andy Bowie County Park, and just steps away from the boardwalk to the Gulf of Mexico. I was excited and told Dave; he liked the idea, too. That’s one of the things I love about him and that I’m grateful for; he generally goes along with whatever travel plans I make.
Yesterday I discovered that where I thought South Padre was is not exactly where it is; actually, it’s much further south…200 miles. Just as I was pondering how I’d present this information to Dave, my good friend from Ohio texted, wondering if it was a good time to talk. We wintered in the same RV resort in Bandera and became regular walking buddies. Covid happened, and we haven’t seen one another in nearly three years, something we both lament. So I called her, and we had a nice, long visit. I’m grateful for the timing; she and her husband are heading south this week to where they winter now, Weslaco, and we won’t be able to talk for a while.
A little later, I pulled up the location of the county park we’re staying at on my phone and, just for kicks, plugged in directions to Weslaco. It’s only 60 miles away! What were the chances? That means there’s a real good chance I’ll see my friend, and I couldn’t wait to text her! A sudden rush of joy welled up inside me—and her, too—and I immediately knew this was God’s orchestration. Yet another thing to be grateful for! So amazing…the more I am aware of my blessings, the more blessings flow to me.
God works in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm. ~William Cowper