What’s not to love about Autumn? Cooler temperatures. Comfort food and pumpkin spice anything. Sweatshirts and comforters. Hay bales, scarecrows, gourds and chrysanthemums. I love all of this, but what I love most about this season is fall foliage.
After a couple of weeks of amping up, the autumn leaves here in northwest Arkansas will finally reach their stunning climax in just a week or two. As each day goes by, the hills and bluffs become more and more mottled with vibrant color. First here. Then there. Pretty soon, red, gold, and orange will be everywhere.
Autumn reminds me that Mother Nature’s bounty is abundant. It is all around me, if I just open my eyes. I truly appreciate this colorful season!
And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. ~Daniel 2:21