It’s just a little before 7am on this Sunday morning, and already I’ve connected with a friend in Ohio whom I met in Bandera, Texas about five years ago. We were devoted winter walking buddies for three years until Covid came along, during which time some real heart-to-heart conversations occurred and personal things shared. No matter how many miles separate us, we are connected. One commonality is that we’re both baseball fans; I congratulated her Cleveland Indians for winning the American League Wild Card. And we both agree The Guardians is a stupid name.
It’s said that people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I’m grateful that living on a boat, and now in a motorhome (and yes, a house, too), has enabled me to make friends all over the country. A few very special ones have become forever friends, and we ‘visit’ with lengthy phone calls sometimes, like the one I had yesterday with my good friend in Virginia who I met almost 30 years ago when we both lived on boats in Washington, DC. Come to think of it, we were walking buddies, too!
Life has a way of bringing people together, and when I think of all the friends I’ve made over the years because of my nomadic life, my heart fills with joy and gratitude. Reason. Season. Lifetime. That’s what friends are for.
There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment -1 John 4:18