Except for at the clubhouse, the internet connectivity here at the RV resort is not very good. Every once in a while, I’m unable to upload photos to my blogs, and when that happens over and over, what do I do? I keep trying! I continue selecting “Replay” until the futility of it becomes apparent.
What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
When I finally do let go and STOP, my body experiences instant relief. I can feel the tenseness evaporate. Of course, the situation has only been put on hold; I can either try again later and hope for the best, or I can go to the clubhouse and work on my blogs. Both options are later. What I have, though, is now.
Realizing Now is a blessing that came with practicing daily gratitude diligently, one day at a time. Before, I was either painfully stuck in the past or wistfully pining for the future. It isn’t easy to be grateful for everything that happens, but the process of just trying taught me a big lesson: to not attach myself to a particular outcome. Not having expectations ensures that I’m never disappointed! And that’s something worth striving for.