In a little more than a week we’ll be pulling out of here and starting our trek to Texas via the Ozark Mountains. There’s no getting around them, except to go hundreds of miles out of the way, and that’s just stupid. It’s only been a year since I’ve been driving Felix, our 40’ motorhome, and while I’m concerned about navigating steep grades, I know I can do it. I know this because God is my co-pilot, and I can do all things through him. As always, He will provide all of my needs This is where gratitude comes in. I’m grateful for having the time and the wherewithal to prepare mentally and spiritually. I can watch instructional videos and read articles on the subject of mountain driving. There are online RV bulletin boards I can research. Most importantly, I have the knowledge of God working through me that propels me forward. I have been blessed with all the tools I need.
If there’s anything I’ve learned from driving Felix, it’s that I can do way more than I think I can. I think of three different traffic scenarios that I absolutely do not like to encounter, but always manage to have to deal with at some point: construction areas; super-tall interstate interchanges (mostly in big cities); and bridges. Heavy traffic—and its accompanying idiots—and a line of cars behind me, impatiently waiting to pass, are others. Except for construction zones, one usually doesn’t get a lot of warning of what’s ahead. Initially, there’s that moment of surprise; but at the speed we’re going, there’s no other choice but to keep on and mentally let go and let God.
This isn’t to say there’s no fear. But remembering that I’m merely performing God’s actions almost gives me super powers. Certainly strengths and abilities I didn’t know I had. I think of the satisfaction I’ve felt in the past when I’ve navigated those same scenarios, and I’m grateful. God never gives us more than we can handle, but he might stretch us to unimaginable limits. This is growth. This is good. This is God.
I am very grateful to have met you Maria, my life is truly blessed by you being in it. Love you. Priscilla
Also, I am blessed by your daily posts on this page. Keep up the good work. Hugs
😘You’re a blessing to me, as well, Priscilla. God arranges the strangest meetings, doesn’t He?